Gospel Global Phyllis Mbuthia – Githi Tiwe Ngai

Phyllis Mbuthia – Githi Tiwe Ngai

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A soul-lifting song from the African Christian/Gospel worshipper, minister, and song writer โ€œโ€œ, as she calls this song โ€œGithi Tiwe Ngaiโ€. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.

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Lyrics: Githi Tiwe Ngai by Phyllis Mbuthi

Githฤฉ tiwe Ngai
Warutire wฤฉra ลฉyลฉ

Githฤฉ ti ลฉhoro wa gฤฉkeno kฤฉnene Mลฉndลฉ ohoretwo macegera
Akerwo wฤฉthiฤฉre na thayลฉThiirฤฉ waku nฤฉ mลฉrฤฉhe
Mลฉndลฉ ลฉratuฤฉrฤฉirwo kลฉnyongwo Nฤฉลฉndลฉ wa thiirฤฉ kลฉingฤฉha
Akambata na rลฉgลฉrลฉ Na agaikลฉrลฉka itherero
Irathฤฉro na ithลฉฤฉro Hatarฤฉ mลฉndลฉ ลฉngฤฉmลฉria kฤฉลฉria

Githฤฉ tiwe mwathani watลฉmire Ngoro yakwa ฤฉgฤฉe mwฤฉhoko
Werutire nฤฉguo ลฉnguฤฉre Ndฤฉtลฉลฉrฤฉre na thayลฉ
Harฤฉa handฤฉkฤฉtwo ndฤฉ thiirฤฉ ลจkฤฉandฤฉka nฤฉ mลฉrฤฉhe
Githฤฉ tiwe Ngai
Githฤฉ tiwe Jesลฉ
Githฤฉ tiwe roho-ฤฉ
Githฤฉ ti inyuฤฉ atatลฉ Mwarutire wฤฉra ลฉyลฉ

Ndohetwo na mฤฉhฤฉndo ya mehiaNa mฤฉnyororo nฤฉ ngoma
O mwaka akandirikania Mลฉcara wa mehia nฤฉ gฤฉkuลฉ
Naniฤฉ ngakฤฉnyitwo nฤฉ kฤฉeha Na kฤฉgirฤฉko kฤฉnene
Ngakฤฉoya kagondu gakwa Ngatลฉarฤฉra mลฉthฤฉnjฤฉri
Arute igongona rฤฉa njino Wลฉi rฤฉtuฤฉke hoorohio
Ya mawฤฉhia makwa

Githฤฉ tiwe mwathani watลฉmire Ngoro yakwa ฤฉgฤฉe mwฤฉhoko
Werutire nฤฉguo ลฉnguฤฉre Ndฤฉtลฉลฉrฤฉre na thayลฉ
Harฤฉa handฤฉkฤฉtwo ndฤฉ thiirฤฉ ลจkฤฉandฤฉka nฤฉ mลฉrฤฉhe
Githฤฉ tiwe Ngai
Githฤฉ tiwe Jesลฉ
Githฤฉ tiwe roho-ฤฉ
Githฤฉ ti inyuฤฉ atatลฉ Mwarutire wฤฉra ลฉyลฉ

Githฤฉ ti wendo waku Ngai wakwa Wandutฤฉire mลฉrลฉguo
Tondลฉ o nake aihลฉirwo nฤฉ wendo Ndaigana gลฉgลฉkararia
Roho waku agฤฉtuฤฉka mลฉira wa ma Wamลฉriลฉkia kลฉrฤฉ akuลฉ
Watho ลฉrฤฉa wathitangaga Mลฉkฤฉwamba mลฉtฤฉ igลฉrลฉ
Ndฤฉtลฉลฉrฤฉre, ndฤฉkenere
Hatarฤฉ mลฉndลฉ ลฉngฤฉnjลฉria kฤฉลฉria

Githฤฉ tiwe mwathani watลฉmire Ngoro yakwa ฤฉgฤฉe mwฤฉhoko
Werutire nฤฉguo ลฉnguฤฉre Ndฤฉtลฉลฉrฤฉre na thayลฉ
Harฤฉa handฤฉkฤฉtwo ndฤฉ thiirฤฉ ลจkฤฉandฤฉka nฤฉ mลฉrฤฉhe
Githฤฉ tiwe Ngai
Githฤฉ tiwe Jesลฉ
Githฤฉ tiwe roho-ฤฉ
Githฤฉ ti inyuฤฉ atatลฉ Mwarutire wฤฉra ลฉyลฉ

Wokire ลฉkฤฉnjohora maceng’era Marฤฉa ndohetwo nฤฉ ngoma
Harฤฉa haandฤฉkฤฉtwo ndฤฉ thiirฤฉ ลจkฤฉandฤฉka nฤฉ mลฉrฤฉhe
Harฤฉa haandฤฉkฤฉtwo ndฤฉ mwฤฉhia ลจkฤฉandฤฉka ndฤฉ mลฉthingu
Harฤฉa haandฤฉkฤฉtwo ndฤฉ wa gลฉkua ลจkฤฉandฤฉka ndฤฉtลฉลฉrฤฉre
Rฤฉu no nyambate rลฉgลฉrลฉ Na njikลฉrลฉke itherero
Irathฤฉro na ithลฉฤฉro
Hatarฤฉ mลฉndลฉ ลฉngฤฉnjลฉria kฤฉลฉria

Githฤฉ tiwe mwathani watลฉmire Ngoro yakwa ฤฉgฤฉe mwฤฉhoko
Werutire nฤฉguo ลฉnguฤฉre Ndฤฉtลฉลฉrฤฉre na thayลฉ
Harฤฉa handฤฉkฤฉtwo ndฤฉ thiirฤฉ ลจkฤฉandฤฉka nฤฉ mลฉrฤฉhe
Githฤฉ tiwe Ngai
Githฤฉ tiwe Jesลฉ
Githฤฉ tiwe roho-ฤฉ
Githฤฉ ti inyuฤฉ atatลฉ Mwarutire wฤฉra ลฉyลฉ

Githฤฉ tiwe mwathani watลฉmire Ngoro yakwa ฤฉgฤฉe mwฤฉhoko
Werutire nฤฉguo ลฉnguฤฉre Ndฤฉtลฉลฉrฤฉre na thayลฉ
Harฤฉa handฤฉkฤฉtwo ndฤฉ thiirฤฉ ลจkฤฉandฤฉka nฤฉ mลฉrฤฉhe
Githฤฉ tiwe Ngai
Githฤฉ tiwe Jesลฉ
Githฤฉ tiwe roho-ฤฉ
Githฤฉ ti inyuฤฉ atatลฉ Mwarutire wฤฉra ลฉyลฉ


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