Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs DOWNLOAD: Planetboom – JC SQUAD

DOWNLOAD: Planetboom – JC SQUAD [Mp3, Lyrics, Video]

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The evangelical junior team โ€˜Planetboom’ of the well-known gospel band โ€œPlanetshakersโ€ releases a song of a powerful message titled โ€œJC SQUADโ€.  is the youth ministry of Planetshakers Church, Melbourne, Australia.

This song was recorded live at the Planetshakers Church, Download Mp3 Audio, Stream, Share and be blessed.


has birthed out lots of songs which has been a blessing to live, as they have always been inspired by the world-renowned Christian Music group PLANETSHAKERS.

Video: JC SQUAD by Planetboom

Lyrics: Jc Squad by Planetboom

[Verse 1]
My God is bigger, He’s stronger than the rest
He’s fearless, and I’ma say it withโ€…myโ€…chest
Seated in theโ€…praises of His people
No one canโ€…compare to Him and there is no equal

I know whoโŸIโŸamโŸbecause I knowโŸwho I belongโŸto
He’s the Prince of Peace and He’s sitting on the throne too
The God of Heaven’s armies is the God that I am known to
And lemme tellya what we gon’ do

We going glory to glory, and we never going back
Strength to strength, taking territory back
Going faster and faster, acceleration no lag
We that JC Squad, with that yuh, yuh, yuh, yuh

[Verse 2]
He’s invincible, never known to take a loss
He’s verified, saved the whole world on the cross
Lord of Heaven, holy, pure, and regal
He’s my first and last, and there is no sequel

I know who I am because I know who I belong to
He’s my closest ally, my standby, my go to
The God of Heaven’s armies is the God that I am known to
And lemme tellya what we gon’ do

We going glory to glory, and we never going back
Strength to strength, taking territory back
Going faster and faster, acceleration no lag
We that JC Squad, with that yuh, yuh, yuh (Yuh)

We going glory to glory
To glory, to glory
To glory, to glory
To glory, to glory
We going strength to strength
To strength, to strength
To strength, to strength
To strength, to strength
We going faster and faster
And faster and faster
And faster and faster
And faster and faster
And faster and faster
And faster and faster
And fasterโ€ฆ
We that JC Squad, with that yuh, yuh, yuh (Yuh)

God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind
He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world
God surrounds me with a shield of love
It is for freedom that Christ has set me free
The joy of the Lord is my strength
I am not anxious about anything, because the peace of God guards my heart
God knew me, and appointed me, before I was born
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
I have received power when the Holy Spirit came upon me

We going glory to glory, and we never going back
Strength to strength, taking territory back
Going faster and faster, acceleration no lag
We that JC Squad, with that yuh, yuh, yuh, yuh

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