Download Word Mp3 by Planetboom
Lyrics: Word by Planetboom
Now, push the person next to you and say, “Let’s go”
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Yeah, yeah
Sing it
1 2 3
[Verse 1]
In the beginning, God said
Just a word, just a breath
And there was life
And it’s full of Your promises
It’s full of the truth
Just a word from the Heavenlies
Made the whole world
And it lifts me up, up
Soaring on the top, top
Building up my Spirit
And I got it on lock, lock, lock
Word of God
Holy, Holy is the Word of the Lord
Holy, Holy is the Word of the Lord
It was alive then and it’s alive now
I got the Sword of the Spirit
And I hit ’em with the Holy Ghost fire
[Verse 2]
It is written, God said
Cover to cover
Your chapters of lovе
It changed my life
And it’s full of Your promises
It’s full of thе truth
Just a word from the Holy Scripture
Changed my whole world
And it lifts me up, up
Soaring on the top, top
Building up my Spirit
And I got it on lock, lock, lock
Word of God
Oh yeah, c’mon, sing this out
1 2 3, sing it
Holy, Holy is the Word of the Lord
Holy, Holy is the Word of the Lord
It was alive then and it’s alive now
I got the Sword of the Spirit
And I hit ’em with the Holy Ghost fire
1 2 3, let’s go
Now, put your hands up, sing
Your word’s alive in me
Your word’s the light in me
Woah, woah
I can hear You speak
The lamp unto my feet
It’s everything I need
Woah, woah
And it’s changing me
Your word’s alive in me
Your word’s the light in me
Woah, woah
I can hear You speak
The lamp unto my feet
It’s everything I need
Woah, woah
And it’s changing me
In the beginning was the Word
And the Word was with God
And the Word was God
He was in the beginning with God
All things were made through Him
And without Him
Nothing was made that was made
In Him was life
And the life was the light of men
And the light shines in the darkness
And the darkness did not comprehend it
There was a man sent from God
Whose name was John
This man came for a witness
To bear witness of the Light
That all through him might believe
He was not that Light
But was sent to bear witness of that Light
That was the true Light
(Yeah, yeah, let’s go)
Which gives light to every man
Coming into the world
He was in the world
And the world was made through Him
And the world did not know Him
He came to His own
And His own did not receive Him
But as many as received Him
To them He gave the right
To become children of God
To those who believe in His name
Who were born
Not of blood
Nor of the will of the flesh
Nor of the will of man
But of God
Oh, praise Him, praise Him, praise Him
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah