Download Blessings and Honour Mp3 by Proclaim Music
Here’s a song that talks about how God loves us and how He deserves to be praised and worshipped, This is it. Here’s a song by the “Proclaim Music”. This song is titled “Blessings and Honour”.
Download Audio Mp3, Stream, Share, and be blessed.
Lyrics: Blessings and Honour by Proclaim Music
[Verse 1]
Your glory fills the atmosphere.
Your Name forever magnified.
The heavens declare the King of all kings.
Who’s worthy of praise
The nations and kings
Will bow at your throne,
To honor the King
Blessings and honor
And glory forever
Wisdom and riches all power forever
Blessings and honor
And glory forever
Wisdom and riches all power forever
[Verse 2]
See every creature now declares
The seas and mountains
Shout your praise
They worship the King
Who sits on the throne, exalted above
The Alpha and Omega
Beginning and end
The Ancient of days
{Blessings and Honor
And Glory forever
Wisdom and Riches and Power forever
Blessings and honor
And glory forever
Wisdom and riches all power forever} [x2]
{Our God is mighty in battle
No power can stand against Him
Here now on Earth,
We worship Forever} [x4]
Blessings and Honor
And Glory forever
Wisdom and Riches and Power forever
Blessings and honor
And glory forever
Wisdom and riches all power forever
{Blessings and Honor
Wisdom and Riches
Forever} [x2]
(Power, Power forever
Power, Power forever) [Repeat]