Download Rain Down Mp3 Hymn by Christian Hymns
Here’s a beautiful Hymn by the well-known prolific hymn writer, as this Hymn has been a blessing to lots of lives since it was brought to the world. The hymn song was performed by Hymns Channel.
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Lyrics: Rain Down (Christian Hymn)
Rain down
Rain down
Rain down your love on your people
Rain down
Rain down
Rain down your love, God of life
Faithful and true is the Word of our God
All of God’s works are so worthy of trust
God’s mercy falls on the just and the right
Full of God’s love is the earth
Rain down
Rain down
Rain down your love on your people
Rain down
Rain down
Rain down your love, God of life
We who revere and find hope in our God
Live in the kindness and joy of God’s wing
God will protect us from darkness and death
God will not leave us to starve
Rain down
Rain down
Rain down your love on your people
Rain down
Rain down
Rain down your love, God of life
God of creation, we long for Your truth
You are the water of life that we thirst
Grant that Your love and peace touch our heearts
All of our hope lies in You.
Rain down
Rain down
Rain down your love on your people
Rain down
Rain down
Rain down your love, God of life