Gospel Global Rascal Flatts – Changed

Rascal Flatts – Changed

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Here’s a song by the Global prolific music artist and talented singer ““. This song is titled “Changed”, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll be blessed as you listen.

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Lyrics: Changed by

I came up out of the water
Raise my Hands up to the father
Gave it all to him that day
Felt a new wind kiss my face
Walked away, Eyes wide open
Could finally see where I was going
Didn’t matter where I been I’m not the same man I was then.

I got off track, I made mistakes
Back slid my way into that place where souls get lost
Lines get crossed
And the pain won’t go away
I hit my knees,
Now here I stand
There I was, now here I am
Here I am

I got a lot of “hey I’m sorry”
The things I’ve done man that was not me
I wish I could take it all back
I just want to tell em’ that

I got off track, I made mistakes
Back slid my way into that place where souls get lost
Lines get crossed
And the pain won’t go away
I hit my knees,
Now here I stand
There I was, now here I am
Here I am

I’ve changed for the better
More Smiles, that’s better
I even started to forgive myself

I hit my knee, I’m here I stand
There I was, now here I am
Here I am, Here I am, Here I am
Yes I am
I’m changed for the better.

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