Download Ukuzenza Mp3 by Rebecca Malope
The well-known South African gospel singer, who is popularly known as “The African Queen Of Gospel”, Batsogile Lovederia Rebecca Malope comes with a soul-lifting song which she titles “Ukuzenza”.
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Lyrics: Ukuzenza by Rebecca Malope
Look at me O Lord and answer my prayers,
Restore my strength, don’t let me down
Look at me O Lord and answer my prayers,
Restore my strength, don’t let me down
Father You are the way, the way of life
Whoever comes in by You will be saved
Look at me O Lord and answer my prayers,
Restore my strength, don’t let me down
Don’t know what the mass of us will do yeah
If I lose my whole family and my best friend too
I need Your help O lord, don’t let me down
I need Your help O lord, don’t let me down
Look at me O Lord and answer my prayers,
Restore my strength, don’t let me down
When my enemies come waiting for me for target
May Your Holy Spirit only be to me
I need Your help oh my Lord don’t let me down
I need Your touch Oh Lord don’t let me down
Look at me O Lord and answer my prayers,
Restore my strength, don’t let me down