Gospel Global Rick Pino – High And Lifted Up

Rick Pino – High And Lifted Up

Download High And Lifted Up Mp3 by  Ft. Abbie Gamboa

Heres a live blessing song from the Texas native, , who is a worship music artist, founder of Fire Rain Ministries, and co-founder of Fire on the Altar regional worship events. He brings to us this song and calls it “High And Lifted Up” featuring Abbie Gamboa.

Get Audio Mp3, Stream, Share, and be blessed.



Lyrics: High And Lifted Up by 

Every other name is under Your name
Every other throne is under Your throne
Every other kingdom is under Your Kingdom
You are high and lifted up

Every other power is under Your power
Every other glory is under Your glory
Every other spirit is under Your Spirit
You are high and lifted up

You are high and lifted up
You are high and lifted up

Be exalted
Be exalted
Be exalted
Higher and higher

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