Download Blue Eyes Cryin’ in the Rain Mp3 by Ronnie Booth
Here’s a song by the Global prolificย music artisteย and talented singer โRonnie Boothโ. Thisย songย is titled โBlue Eyes Cryin’ in the Rainโ, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll enjoy as you listen.
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Lyrics: Blue Eyes Cryin’ in the Rain by Ronnie Booth
In the twilight glow, I see
Blue eyes crying in the rain
When we kissed goodbye and parted
I knew we’d never meet again
Love is like a dyin’ ember
And only memories remain
And through the ages, I’ll remember
Blue eyes crying in the rain
Some day when we meet up yonder
We’ll stroll hand in hand again
In a land that knows no partin’
Blue eyes crying in the rain