Gospel Music Ryan Stevenson โ€“ Amadeo (Still My God)

Ryan Stevenson โ€“ Amadeo (Still My God)

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Hereโ€˜s a song from the stable of Music Meets Heaven, as they bring to us this song be โ€œโ€œ, the song is titled โ€œAmadeo (Still My God)โ€œ. AMADEO simply means โ€œGod, You are faithful through it allโ€, You can stream, Share, Tell a friend to tell a friend about this song and be blessed.


Watch the official lyrics video below.

Ryan Stevenson - Amadeo (Still My God) Lyrics

Life can take our breath away
Tragedy can leave a wake
A broken heart wonโ€™t ever beat the same
Pain can stop us in our tracks
Losing what we canโ€™t get back
Shaking the foundations of our faith

No matter whatโ€™s in my way
No matter the battles I face

You are still my God
Youโ€™re still my rock
My only hope Lord, Youโ€™re all Iโ€™ve got
In every valley or mountaintop
Iโ€™ll say hallelujah
Youโ€™re still my God

The questions keep us in the fight
The answerโ€™s never black or white
We may not know until the other side
But even in this in between
We fix our eyes on whatโ€™s unseen
The shadows never overcome the light

No matter whatโ€™s in my way
I know that You wonโ€™t ever change

Youโ€™re still my hope
Youโ€™re still my peace
Youโ€™re still my joy
Youโ€™re all I need
Youโ€™re still my strength
When I am weak
Youโ€™re still my God
I still believe

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