Gospel Music Ryan Stevenson – Amadeo (Still My God)

Ryan Stevenson – Amadeo (Still My God)

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Heres a song from the stable of Music Meets Heaven, as they bring to us this song be ““, the song is titled “Amadeo (Still My God). AMADEO simply means “God, You are faithful through it all”, You can stream, Share, Tell a friend to tell a friend about this song and be blessed.


Watch the official lyrics video below.

Life can take our breath away
Tragedy can leave a wake
A broken heart won’t ever beat the same
Pain can stop us in our tracks
Losing what we can’t get back
Shaking the foundations of our faith

No matter what’s in my way
No matter the battles I face

You are still my God
You’re still my rock
My only hope Lord, You’re all I’ve got
In every valley or mountaintop
I’ll say hallelujah
You’re still my God

The questions keep us in the fight
The answer’s never black or white
We may not know until the other side
But even in this in between
We fix our eyes on what’s unseen
The shadows never overcome the light

No matter what’s in my way
I know that You won’t ever change

You’re still my hope
You’re still my peace
You’re still my joy
You’re all I need
You’re still my strength
When I am weak
You’re still my God
I still believe

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