Motivation and Inspiration Samuel Giveson – Worship Medley (Mp3 & Lyrics)

Samuel Giveson – Worship Medley (Mp3 & Lyrics)

Samuel Giveson Worship Medley (1)

Download Worship Medley Mp3 Audio by Samuel Giveson

The renowned Global Christian music team of praisers and worshippers whose songs have blessed lives โ€œSamuel Givesonโ€ perform a song of praise worship which is titled โ€œWorship Medleyโ€œ. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.
A profound expression of human connection with God, cultivating reverence, awe, and devotion. It’s not just about external acts, but also about inner humility, gratitude, love and thanksgiving. Surrendering to God’s greatness, letting go of ego and control, and embrace the mysterious power of christ.

Get the MP3 audio, download, stream, and share this amazing song with your friends and family. When you share it, you’re spreading the goodness and joy of the song. #CeeNaija


Download More SAMUEL GIVESON Songs Here

If Youโ€™re a lover of good and great Gospel/Christian music, be it Afro Gospel or contemporary tune, then this song โ€œWorship Medleyโ€ is a beautiful song that should lift your soul.

The song โ€œWorship Medleyโ€ is a melody and tune that was written due to inspiration by the Holy Ghost, as this song was made to bless lives and build your faith in Christ the Lord. The beautiful lyrics, vocals, energy, and inspiration used in birthing this song will thrill you.

Lyrics: Worship Medley by Samuel Giveson

Hallelujah our God reigns x3
Forever all my days
Forever all my days

Mโ€™o wa dupe ore atโ€™odun mโ€™odun (I’m grateful for the blessings year after year)

Mo wa dupe ore atโ€™osu mโ€™osu (I’m grateful for the blessings month after month)

Mo wa dupe ore Igbagbogbo ( I’m grateful for the blessings overall)
Emi na re Oluwa (I’m thanking the Lord)

Ese ese, ese oo (Thank you, thank you, thank you)
Ema se (We give thanks)

The steadfast love of the Lord
Never ceases
His mercies never come to an end

They are new every morning
New every morning
Great is thy faithfulness
Oh Lord!
Great is thy faithfulness

I Praise You Lord x2
Yes I praise You lord
You are God

We Worship You x2
Oh God
We Worship You
Oh God
We Worship You

Hallelujah x2
Oh God
Oh God

If you’re walking through the valley
And there are shadows all around
Do not fear, He will guide you
He will keep you safe and sound

He has promised to never leave you
Nor forsake you, and His word is true

Iโ€™m gonna wait on You
Iโ€™m gonna wait on You

Iโ€™ve tasted your goodness
Iโ€™ll trust in your promise

Where would I be?
If You left me God

You Waited
Waited 2x

Oโ€™de, Oโ€™de
Oba AAade e wura de


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