Download God of Ages (Roi des Âges) Mp3 by Selah
Here’s a song from the gospel team, Selah as they release a tune of great praise and worship titled “God of Ages (Roi des Âges)”, Let this song be a blessing to you.
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Lyrics: God of Ages (Roi des Âges) by Selah
When the truth seems out of reach
And nations cling to unbelief
This the hope to which we hold
Jesus Christ the Cornerstone
When our hearts are filled with pride
And we are trapped in the divide
Take us back to ancient hope
Jesus Christ the Cornerstone
Should kingdoms fall and fade away
The sovereign throne of God remains
God of Ages angels sing
Holy is the Lord and King
Every nation gather around
Join with heavens mighty sound
Cast your crowns before the throne
Jesus is the Cornerstone
Should kingdoms fall and fade away
The sovereign throne of God remains
God of Ages angels sing
Holy is the Lord and King
Christ the Rock on which we stand
Solid Ground on shifting sand
He remains our future hope
Jesus is the cornerstone
Jesus is the cornerstone
Should kingdoms fall and fade away
The sovereign throne of God remains
God of Ages angels sing
Holy is the Lord and King
Should kingdoms fall and fade away
The sovereign throne of God remains
God of Ages angels sing
Holy is the Lord and King
Holy is the Lord and King