Gospel Global SEU Worship – You are Here

SEU Worship – You are Here

Download You are Here Mp3 by Ft. Sydney Wilson

The renowned Global Christianย music team of praisers and worshippers whose songs have blessed lives โ€œSEU Worshipโ€ perform a song of praise worship which is titled โ€œYou are Hereโ€œ withย Sydney Wilson. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.

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Lyrics: You are Here by

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh

[Verse 1]
In the space between the heartbeats
In the breath between the song
You are thereโ€…withinโ€…the distance
You’re inโ€…it all

When I feel far, light-yearsโ€…apart from You
Open my eyes, to find where You are
God,โŸI know YouโŸwere
You are here
InโŸthe presence of Your people
You’ll be there
Even when I can’t see
I have faith to believe You are never far
You are in it all
God, I know You’re here

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
God, I know You’re here, God, I know You’re here
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
God, I know You’re here, God, I know You’re here

[Verse 2]
In the waste and in the wreckage
In the chaos of the storm
You’re the peace within the trouble
The quiet in the roar

When life gets wild, I won’t be overwhelmed
Give me the faith, to praise through the trials


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