Top Christian Songs Worship Initiative – Only There

Worship Initiative – Only There

Worship Initiative Only There

Download Only There Mp3 by Ft. Davy Flowers and Dinah Wright

Here’s a song featuring Davy Flowers and Dinah Wright titled “Only There“, performed professionally by .

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Lyrics: Only There by

Oh how long my heart has struggled
With its fear and unbelief
Though my heavy laden spirit
At the cross would find relief
I have wandered in this darkness
Not a ray of light within
But my faith at last has led me
To the cross with all my sin

Only there
Only there
Love and mercy flow for me
Only there
Only there
Can I find my rest in Thee

Only there my hope is clinging
Trusting Christ and Christ alone
Knowing full I stand forgiven
Through Thy merit not my own
And I know that You will keep me
None can separate your love
I employ the power that saved me
To the Savior’s feet I come

I find my rest
I find my peace
I find my hope
I’m finding everything I need

Can I find my rest in Thee
I will find my rest in Thee

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