Download Thou Art Worthy by Sinach [MP3].
A powerful worship song from one of Nigeria’s most renowned gospel music songstress “SINACH“, This song is the acoustic version of the song “Thou Art Worthy”. Sinach is the crooner of the well-known song “I Know Who I Am” and many others.
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Lyrics: Thou Art Worthy by Sinach
When He died, we died with Him
When He was buried, we were buried with Him
And when He rose again, we live and rose with Him
Wave your hands and worship Him
Lamb of God who was slain
Buried and rose in victory
Prince of peace, morning Star
A King whose kingdom never ends
Thou art worthy, El-Shaddai
God Almighty, the strong and breasted One
Great Jehovah, I am, I am
You are the Most High God
Lamb of God who was slain
Buried and rose in victory
Prince of peace, morning Star
A King whose kingdom never ends
Lamb of God who was slain
Buried and rose in victory
Prince of peace, morning Star
A King whose kingdom never ends
Thou art worthy, El-Shaddai
God Almighty, the strong and breasted One
Great Jehovah, I am, I am
You are the Most High God
Thou art worthy, El-Shaddai
God Almighty, the strong and breasted One
Great Jehovah, I am, I am
You are the Most High God
Thou art worthy, El-Shaddai
God Almighty, the strong and breasted One
Great Jehovah, I am, I am
You are the Most High God
You are the Most High God
You are the Most High God
You are the Most High God
You are the Most High God
Most High God