Gospel Global Songs From The Soil – The Cross Has Spoken

Songs From The Soil – The Cross Has Spoken

Download The Cross Has Spoken Mp3 by Ft. Lucy Grimble & Marc James

The renowned Global Christianย music team of praisers and worshippers whose songs have blessed lives โ€œโ€ perform a song of praise worship which is titled โ€œThe Cross Has Spokenโ€œ featuringย Lucy Grimble & Marc James. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.

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Lyrics: The Cross Has Spoken by

You bared your wrists to the nails
Your brow to the thorns
Surrendered gave it all
Took the cup to your lips
And drank to the dregs
The judgement meant for me

Oh the deep deep love
Oh the cleansing blood
Mercy measureless and free
O be still and know
That all is well
The cross has spoken

Your body laid in the grave
Three dark silent days
As earth and heaven mourned
But the love of that cross
Is stronger than death
You rose to life again

Curse to blessings turn
Thorns to flowers bloom
Sin and death are led in chains
So be still and know
That all is well
The cross has spoken

Oh, the cross has spoken
Oh, the cross has spoken

So here I lay down my shame
My pride and my pain
Surrender, leave it all
One with You I have died
With You I will rise
To everlasting day

Oh the deep deep love
Oh the cleansing blood
Mercy measureless and free
O be still my soul
For all will be well
The cross has spoken

Oh, the cross has spoken
Oh, the cross has spoken
Oh, the cross has spoken
Oh, the cross has spoken


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