Top Christian Songs Sonnie Badu – Alpha & Omega

Sonnie Badu – Alpha & Omega

Sonnie Badu Alpha Omega

Download Alpha & Omega Mp3 byย Sonnie Badu

Here’s how the Rockhill pastor, worship leader, and motivational speaker โ€œSonnie Baduโ€ ministers to people via thisย songย titled โ€œAlpha & Omegaโ€œ. You’d surely be blessed.

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Lyrics: Alpha & Omega byย Sonnie Badu

Wo ne Alfa ne Omega
You are Alpha and Omega
Halleluyah 2ร—

Obiara nni hษ” te sษ› wo
There’s none like you
Tete ntredee Nyankopษ”n ne wo
Ancient of Days
ฦ†tafregya yepagya wo
Quencher of fire, we exalt you
Halleluyah 2ร—

ฦ†soro ne asaase agya ne wo oo
God of heaven and earth

Abษ”de nyinaa koto wo oo
All creation bows to you
Halleluyah 2ร—

Jesus, Jesus, otim hษ” daa 2ร—
Jesus, Jesus, He ‘is’, forever
ฦ†yษ› nnษ› nso Jesus, ษ”yษ› ษ”kyena nso Jesus
He is Jesus today, yesterday and forever
ฦ†yษ› daadaa Jesus, He is Jesus forever
Otim hษ” daa
He ‘is’, forever

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