Top Christian Songs Sonnie Badu – Imani

Sonnie Badu – Imani

Sonnie Badu Imani

Download Imani Mp3 byย Sonnie Badu

Here’s how the Rockhill pastor, worship leader, and motivational speaker โ€œSonnie Baduโ€ ministers to people via thisย songย titled โ€œImaniโ€œ. You’d surely be blessed.

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Lyrics: Imani byย Sonnie Badu

I will sing a song
Song of praise to You
For Youโ€ฒ ve been so good
So good to me
Naa nananana Naa nananana
Naa nananana Naa nananana
Unastahili Kuabudiwa
Unastahili Yewesu
Unastahili Kuabudiwa
Unastahili eee
I will write a song
Song of thanks giving
For His mercies endureth
(Edureth forever)
I will dance for him
A dance of gratitude
For He ‘ s brought me out
Of the Mary clay
Naa nananana Naa nananana
Naa nananana Naa nananana

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