Motivation and Inspiration Stephen Stanley – The Edge

Stephen Stanley – The Edge

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Here’s a song by the Global prolific music artiste and talented singer ““. This song is titled “The Edge”, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll be blessed as you listen.

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Lyrics: The Edge by

I can’t sleep
Cause I’ve got this divided frame of mind
I’m searching
For something that I can’t seem to find

I need a place to rest
Got to get outta my head
I need to make progress
Cause I’m just one step
From the line

I want this to be over
Oh God let this end
I keep getting closer
Closer to the edge
This weight that’s on my shoulders
Is causing me to bend
And I keep on getting closer
Closer to the edge

I’m losing my grip, now
Just hanging by a thread
I thought I was stronger
Than the thoughts inside my head

I need a hard reset
I’m down to my last breath
So can You fix this mess?
Cause I feel so stressed
All the time

I want this to be over
I know you’re on my side
Everything you tell me
Says I will be alright

This weight that’s on my shoulder
Is never gonna win
When I go too far over
You’ll catch me in the end
When I’m fallin off the edge

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