Gospel Global Stockholm Worship – Now To God

Stockholm Worship – Now To God

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The renowned Global Christian music team of praisers and worshippers whose songs have blessed lives “” perform a song of praise worship which is titled “Now To God“. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.

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Lyrics: Now To God by

There is one who is greater
Nothing else compares
He holds all power
He holds it all
In the earth and the heavens
Does anyone compare?
Our God He reigns
Oh, He reigns

Now to God who is able to do
Immeasurably more
Than we could ever imagine
Through His power at work in our lives
To God be the praise
Forever amen

For my friends and my family
Lord, I will believe
Increase Your favor
Upon our lives
For the ones who are searching
Lord, I will believe
Reveal Your power
Lord, show Your grace

All the glory in the church
All the glory on the earth
Belongs to You
Belongs to You
All the praises I can find
Every second of my life
Belongs to You
Belongs to You

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