Gospel Global Sunmisola Agbebi – Amazing

Sunmisola Agbebi – Amazing

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Here’s a song by the African prolificย music artistย and talented singer and worshipper โ€œโ€œ. Thisย songย is titled โ€œAmazingโ€, as it was released alongside its visuals.

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Lyrics: Amazing by

You are amazing
So amazing
Yeahโ€ฆ ohhh

Lord God we’ve seen all your creation
And we know that all you’ve created is perfect
Is perfect lord
We know that everything you made are so detailed lord
And we know everything is perfect
Everything is perfect

You are amazing God oh oh oh oh
You are amazing God4x

Bi o ti n si sere koseni to ye(your ways are unexplainable)2x
Bo Mi se n wonu agbon ko seni toye (No one understands how water gets into a coconut)
Response:Afi wo Jesu(No one but you)

Awamaridi jesu Oba(you’re unsearchable Jesus)
Awa sugbon ari pe oun ti o da Dara Dara ni(we’ve searched and seen that all you’ve created is perfect)
Awamaridi (unsearchable)
Awamaridi (unsearchable)

You are amazing lord God
We know for sure Jesus
You are amazing lord

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