Gospel Global Tafes Aru – Umestahili Yesu

Tafes Aru – Umestahili Yesu

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The renowned Global Christian music team of praisers and worshippers whose songs have blessed lives “” perform a song of praise worship which is titled “Umestahili Yesu“. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.

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Lyrics: Umestahili Yesu by

Tunakuinua Bwana, wewe wa ajabu (We exalt You Lord, You are wonderful)
Tunakuinua maana, unastahili (We lift You up, for You are deserving) (Repeat)

Umestahili Yesu (Jesus You are Worthy)
Umestahili Baba (Father You are Worthy) (Repeat)

Tutapiga kelele, hatuachi (We shall make unceasing shouts)
Tutapaza sauti zetu kama, tarumbeta (We will lift our voice like the trumpet) (Repeat)


Tutapiga kelele, hatuachi (We shall make unceasing shouts)
Tutapaza sauti zetu kama, tarumbeta (We will lift our voice like the trumpet) (Repeat)



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