Download Sekerera Mp3 by Tembalami
A soul-lifting song from the African Christian/Gospel worshipper, minister, and song writer “Tembalami“, as He calls this song “Sekerera”. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.
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Lyrics: Sekerera by Tembalami
Hazvina Basa, Handina Cash (It doesn’t matter if I have no money)
Money can’t buy you happiness
Hazvina basa, handina Jaguar (It doesn’t matter If have no fancy car)
There are more important things in life
The joy of the Lord is my strength
I lift my eyes to the King
Mufaro Mangwanani (Joy comes in the morning)
Everything will be alright
Sekerera, Sekerera! (Smile, Smile!)
Everything will be alright
Sekerera, Sekerera! (Smile, Smile!)
All things work for your good
Hazvina basa Dandina Gucci (It does matter I have no fancy clothes)
I put on the amour of God
Hazvina Basa, Dandina PHD (It does matter if I have no PhD)
I have the wisdom of God
You turned my mourning into dancing
You turned my sorrow in to Joy (Repeat x?)
Sekerera, Sekerera everything will be alright
Sekerera, Sekerera All things work for your good