Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs The McClures – High King of Heaven / Jesus We Love You

The McClures – High King of Heaven / Jesus We Love You

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Paul McClure & Hannah McClure is a worship leader at Bethel Church and joined the Bethel Music.
The song is a song of deep worship and praise lifting titled “High King of Heaven / Jesus We Love You“, it’s a song of the season that would surely bless Your life as You listen, and also from their 2020 released album titled “Christmas Morning“.

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It’s a song which was written by Tony Wood, Hannah McClure, Paul McClure, and Joel Taylor.

Lyrics: High King of Heaven / Jesus We Love You by

High King of Heaven, You stepped from Your throne
Took on our flesh and made this world Your home
Trembling in rev’rence Lord we look above
Overcome by such unmerited love

Jesus my Savior, I bow at Your birth
Awed by the mercy that brought You to Earth
Leaving the angels in glorious light
For the deep shadows of Bethlehem’s night

Oh, oh what a wonder
How, oh how could it be
Oh, oh sacred myst’ry
The high King of Heaven born low to save me

Gracious redeemer, You looked upon me
Long before Eden, You knew my great need
Woven through his’try a rich crimson thread
Your planned salvation in this manger bed

Our affection, our devotion
Poured out on the feet of Jesus

(Jesus) we love You
Oh, how we love You
You are the one our hearts adore


The Father so loved us
That He sent Jesus to us

We can’t say thank You enough
We can’t say thank You enough
We can’t say thank You enough
We can’t say thank You enough

That You would come and give Your life
You knew what it meant when You came
But still You came, still You came Jesus
Oh, still you came for me

We can’t say thank You enough
We can’t say thank You enough
For what You gave
We can’t say thank You enough
We can’t say thank You enough

So Jesus we love You
Oh, how we love You
‘Cause You are the one our hearts adore

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