Gospel Global The Unveiled – Warangarirwa Zimbabwe

The Unveiled – Warangarirwa Zimbabwe

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The renowned Global Christian music team of praisers and worshippers whose songs have blessed lives “” birth out a song of praise worship which they title “Warangarirwa Zimbabwe“.

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Lyrics: Warangarirwa Zimbabwe by

1st Verse:
Terera Zimbabwe
(Listen now Zimbabwe)
Uri mugwenga
(While you are in this desert place)
(Do not be troubled/dismayed)
Inzira yekuCanaan
(This is the journey to a brighter future-Canaan)

Usataure mashoko
(Do not speak callously/loosely)
Mashoko erima
(Do not speak negative words)
Tarira mwenje ,wenzira yeku Canaan.
(Instead look to the brighter future-Canaan that awaits you)

Nekutendeka kwake Mwari (Because of his faithfulness)
Achazadzisa chitsidzo chake
(He will fulfill His promise)
Uyo mukuru ari mandiri
Kupfura uyo ari munyika
(Greater is He in me than the one who is in the world)

Warangarirwa Zimbabwe (You have been remembered Zimbabwe)
Wasarudzwa Zimbabwe (You have been chosen Zimbabwe)
Usanetseke inzira yeku Canaan
(Do not be troubled/ dismayed, this is the journey to a brighter future-Canaan)

2nd Verse:
Lalela Zimbabwe(Listen now Zimbabwe)
Use nkangala (you might feel tired and weary)
Ungadangali (but do not worry)
Yindlela yase Canaan (it’s the road to a brighter future-Canaan)

Ungakhulumi amazwi
Amazwi amabi (don’t speak bad things)
Bheka is’bane (look to the brighter future ahead)
Sendlela yase Canaan (it’s the road to a brighter future- Canaan)

Nekutendeka kwake Mwari (Because of his faithfulness)
Achazadzisa chitsidzo chake
(He will fulfill His promise)
Uyo mukuru ari mandiri
Kupfura uyo ari munyika
(Greater is He in me than the one who is in the world)

Warangarirwa Zimbabwe (You have been remembered Zimbabwe)
Wasarudzwa Zimbabwe (You have been chosen Zimbabwe)
Usanetseke inzira yeku Canaan
(Do not be troubled/ dismayed, this is the journey to a brighter future-Canaan)

(You are free)

(Zimbabwe )

Wakomborerwa (You are blessed)


Usanetseke inzira yoku Canaan (Do not be troubled, it’s the road to a brighter future-Canaan).

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