Download Hidden Here Mp3 by Tiffany Hudson
Here’s a song performed by the Global prolific music artiste and talented singer “Tiffany Hudson“. This song is titled “Hidden Here”, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll enjoy as you listen.
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Lyrics: Hidden Here by Tiffany Hudson
Everybody wants to be seen
Everybody wants a higher place
But is anybody really happy?
Could it be that there’s a better way?
If You hide me in Your shadow
What I thought I wanted now fades away
You unravel me till You become the only one I love
What’s hidden here is Holy, Holy
I will leave the crowd behind me
You’ll be the only beauty I behold
I come alive in our communion
Just to be with You is my reward
I will meet You in the shadow everyday
It’s the only thing they can’t take away
You unravel me till You become the only one I love
I will stay right here
Where you make me like You
If you hide me here
I won’t take it lightly
Cus You are here
And that’s all I could need
You are here