Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Touch Of Heaven – Hillsong Young & Free

Touch Of Heaven – Hillsong Young & Free

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Here’s a renowned song from the โ€˜Hillsong’ Church junior team and instrumentalist, as they churns out an amazing praise worship song and video titled โ€œTouch Of Heavenโ€. โ€œHillsong Young & Freeโ€ started its career in 2012. Stay graced as You listen.

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Lyrics: Touch Of Heaven by

How I live for the moments
Where I’m still in Your presence
All the noise dies down
Lord speak to me now

You have all my attention
I will linger and listen
I can’t miss a thing

Lord I know my heart wants more of You
My heart wants something new
So I surrender all

All I want is to live within Your love
Be undone by who You are
My desire is to know You deeper
Lord I will open up again
Throw my fears into the wind
I am desperate for a touch of heaven

You’re the fire in the morning
You’re the cool in the evening
The breath in my soul
The life in my bones

There is no hesitation
In Your love and affection
It’s the sweetest of all

I open up my heart to You
I open up my heart to You now
So do what only You can
Jesus have Your way in me now

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