Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Travis Greene – Where Would I Be, If You Left Me God

Travis Greene – Where Would I Be, If You Left Me God

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This song is sure a song of worship by the Popular Contemporary Christian & gospel Minister Travis Greene, an amazing singer, and songwriter who does God’s Music in a unique way blesses us with this powerful and amazing song as this one is titled “You Waited”

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The song “You Waited” is from the album “CROSSOVER” in 2017

Lyrics: You Waited by

You came out of your way
You sat down to speak to me
What amazing grace
That you’ve shown, so patiently

And You, waited for me
Just for me
For me

You called out my name
Knew my past, covered my shame
This amazing grace
You’ve shown, so patiently
You’ve shown, so patiently

And You, You waited for me, just for me
You waited for me, just for me

Where would I be? If You left me God
Where would I be? If You left me God
Where would I be? If You left me God
Where would I be? If You left me God

You waited, waited
You waited, waited
You waited, waited
You waited, waited

What amazing grace
That you’ve shown, so patiently
You’ve shown, so patiently

And You, You waited for me, just for me
You, You waited for me, just for me


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