Gospel Global Ty Brasel – Crossroads

Ty Brasel – Crossroads

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Here’s a song by the Global prolificย music artisteย and talented singer โ€œTy Braselโ€œ. Thisย songย is titled โ€œCrossroadsโ€, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll beย blessedย as you listen. It’s a song from his 2022 released album called โ€œTRANSCENDENTโ€œ.

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Lyrics: Crossroads byย Ty Brasel

My God, you’re able to heal my wounds
My heart has nothing left to lose
Mhm mmm
These walls are closing way too soon
Ooh ooh
Please save me I’ve been lost it’s true
Ah ah ah

I been drowning in the deep end
I been searching for a feeling
Don’t think you should believe in me
I keep giving you a reason
I been drowning in the deep end
I been searching for a feeling
Don’t think you should believe in me
I keep giving you a reason

Take me to the cross
I been at the crossroads when I feel lost
No I’m not a lost soul I had no one to call
I knew I could call you and
Before it’s all gone I, I
This world could be so cold
Take you high and low
But when I feel alone
I know where to find yeah find your love
I could search forever
I know it ain’t nothing better no

I been drowning in the deep end
I been searching for a feeling
Don’t think you should believe in me
I keep giving you a reason
I been drowning in the deep end
I been searching for a feeling
Don’t think you should believe in me
I keep giving you a reason

Got my eyes wandering
I been searching too deep
Got these chains up on my neck
I ain’t feeling that free
And I know that I ain’t jack
But ya son Imma be
And the man in the mirror
Ain’t been nothing to see
You keep coming for me
Said you never would leave
They keep gassing me up
But I been running on E
I’m at a crossroad
Need all ya love over me
Trading all my sorrows
Need you to bring me ya peace
Oh ohh
My heart has nothing left to lose
And Imma keep on running back to you

I was once dead, but He brought me back to life
Turn back to God, He is alive, He is faithful
I can search forever I know
It ain’t nothing better no


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