Download Sinking Mp3 Audio by Tye Tribbett & G.A.
The radical & great praiser of God whose songs have always been a blessing and inspiration to lives, “Tye Tribbett” brings to us a song that speaks worship. He titles the song “Sinking“ featuring G.A., It’s a song from his 2006 released album which he titles “Victory Live!”.
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Lyrics: Sinking by Tye Tribbett
When I think of the goodness of Jesus
And all He has done for me
My soul cries out Hallelujah
Thank God for saving me
I was (sinking so deep in sin)
And so (very deeply stained within)
But God, Oh but God
He’s been good
Everyday with Jesus
Is sweeter than the day before
Everyday with Jesus
I love Him more and more
I was (sinking so deep in sin)
And so (very deeply stained within)
But God, Oh but God
He’s been good
God’s been so good to me
Yes He’s been good to me