Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs VaShawn Mitchell – God Is Up To Something (Mp3 & Lyrics)

VaShawn Mitchell – God Is Up To Something (Mp3 & Lyrics)

VaShawn Mitchell God Is Up To Something

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The American gospel singer and songwriter. He has produced several Stellar Award-winning projects, and is also a prolific & anointed minister brings to us a new tune titled โ€œGod Is Up To Somethingโ€ featuring . A soul-lifting song that would surely be positive to your life.

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If You’re a lover of good and great Gospel/Christian music, be it Afro Gospel or contemporary tune, then this song โ€œGod Is Up To Somethingโ€ is a beautiful song that should lift your soul.

The song โ€œGod Is Up To Somethingโ€ is a melody and tune that was written due to inspiration by the Holy Ghost, as this song was made to bless lives and build your faith in Christ the Lord. The beautiful lyrics, vocals, energy, and inspiration used in birthing this song will thrill you.

Lyrics: God Is Up To Something by

I may have lost it all
But on You I can call
(You’ll fight my battle) You’ll fight my battle for me
(And I will) I will see victory
(And when it feels like I’m down to nothing) when it feels like I’m down to nothing
(That only means) that only means
(That God is) that God is
(Up to) up to (something) something

(When it feels like down) when it feels like I’m down to nothing
(That only means) that only means
(That God is) that God is
(Up to) up to (something) something

Let’s talk to Him tonight
(Cause You know) You know what’s best for me
(It’s You) it’s You who supplies my every need
(Why worry) why worry about (what tomorrow holds) what tomorrow holds
When does tomorrow belongs (to You) to You (to You)

(God is) God is (up to) up to (something) something
(God is) God is (up to) up to (something) something
Can I get a witness in here
(Hey) God is (He’s up to something) up to something (something)
You’ve been waiting but God is
God is (up to) up to (something) something

(As I was writing this song, I said He’s moving)
He’s moving
(What needs to be moved)
Opening doors just for you
(And there is nothing He can’t do)
So, trust and believe, He will come through
God is come here Ron up to something
God is up to something
If you believe it, help me say
(God is) God is (up to) up to (something) something
(Eyes have not seen, nor ears heard)
God is up to (God has plans for you) something
You would know that God is
God is (up) up to (something) something
You may not see the light at the end of the tunnel
God is (up to) up to (something) something
I got good news for somebody here, He knows
He knows, and He cares (He cares)
(And He’s always) and He’s always there
He is always there, I need you to know, no matter how low you are
(He knows) He knows (He cares) He cares, and He’s always there
He says, I’ll be with you even until the end of the age
If you believe He knows all your struggles, say
He knows, (if cares about the posture of your heart say), He cares
If He knows what you’ve struggling with He knows say, He knows
(And He cares) He cares
And He’s always there, and He’s always there (you ain’t gotta look for Him)
He’s always there
He’s always there
(If I make my bed in hell) He’s always there
(If I ascend to heaven, He’s all)
He’s always there
(God is) God is
(Up to) up to
Wave your hands if you believe it
(God is) God is
(Up to) up to
(Something) something

And He’s always there
And He’s always there
And He’s always there
And He’s always there
And He’s always there

If you know it say
And He’s always there
(He’s always there)
And He’s always there
When your pillow is all wet with tears He’s always
And He’s always there
Nobody is calling your cell phone He’s always
And He’s always there
No one is picking you up in the spirit He’s always
And He’s always there
You’re not lonely, you’re covered He’s always
And He’s always there
You’re not weary He’s always
And He’s always there
And He’s always there
And He’s always there (always)
And He’s always there (He’s always)
And He’s always there
You ought to look at somebody and say, He’s always
And He’s always there
And He’s always there
He’s shielding you now He’s always
And He’s always there
If He’s covering your heart He’s always
And He’s always there
He’s protecting you He’s always
And He’s always there (He’s always there)
And He’s always there
(God is) God is (up to) up to something
He is
He’s up to something
I said He’s up to something
I don’t have all the details
Don’t have all the insight
The scripture declares, for I reckon
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time
That I am worthy to be compelled, for the glory, there will be glory

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