Gospel Global Victory Worship – Unchanging God

Victory Worship – Unchanging God

Download Unchanging God Mp3 by Victory Worship Ft.

The renowned Global Christian music team of praisers and worshippers whose songs have blessed lives “Victory Worship” birth out a song of praise worship which they title “Unchanging God“ featuring .

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Lyrics: Unchanging God by

Your word is true, it will never fail
Our soul’s secure, that You will carry us through
Seasons will change, the sun and moon will fade away
But our hope is sure, that forever You reign

Let it be as You have said!

Your ways are higher, You’ve gone ahead of us
Now we will trust in our unchanging God
Your word unshaken, Your truth will be our light
Now we will trust in our unfailing God


Your word is true, it will never fail
Our soul’s secure, that You will carry us through
Seasons will change, the sun and moon will fade away
But our hope is sure, that forever You reign

Let it be as You have said!…

Your ways are higher, You’ve gone ahead of us
Now we will trust in our unchanging God
Your word unshaken, Your truth will be our light
Now we will trust in our unfailing God!


You will never fail (we trust in You)
You will never fail (we run to You)
You will never fail (we live for You)
You will never fail!

Let it be as You have said!
Let it be as You have said!…

Your ways are higher, You’ve gone ahead of us
Now we will trust in our unchanging God!
Your will eternal, our lives are in Your hands!
Now we will stand in victory!


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