Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs VOUS Worship – Loyal (OMG)

VOUS Worship – Loyal (OMG)

VOUS Worship Loyal OMG

Download Loyal (OMG) Mp3 by VOUS Worship

The renowned passionate, multi-cultural team of writers, musicians, singers, and worshippers united in love for Jesus and the local church โ€œVOUS Worshipโ€ comes through with another live performance song which the title โ€œLoyal (OMG)โ€œ.

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Lyrics: Loyal (OMG) by VOUS Worship

Before I was created
You knew my name
Called me to be blameless
Without a stain
While knowing all along that I would fail

You’re patient through the ups
And through the downs
When I just wanna rush
You slow me down
I can see Your care so evident

Only a grace without limits
Won’t go away but stay in this
โ€˜Cause You are the God that keeps giving

You never let go
Never give up
You’re reliable
Unusual true
Genuine love
Generous without reason
You are faithful every season
That’s your love
More than enough
So undeserved
Oh my God You are loyal

Oh my God You are loyal

I used to be a fool
And played the games
You pulled me close
When I used to drift away
No more in between
That could separate

Trying to make sense
Of grace that won’t end
Impossible truth
Ridiculous love
But it’s just a fact
It’s always intact
It won’t let me go
It won’t let me go


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