Gospel Global Vusi Nova – Yibanathi

Vusi Nova – Yibanathi

Vusi Nova Yibanathi

Download Yibanathi Mp3 by Ft. Dumi Mkokstad

A soul-lifting song from the African Christian/Gospel worshipper, minister, and song writer ““, as he calls this song “Yibanathi” featuring Dumi Mkokstad. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.

Download Audio Mp3, Stream, Share, and be blessed


Lyrics: Yibanathi by

Messiah, ndiguqe nge dolo (Messiah, I’m on my knees)
Phambhi kwakho Ndiyakhala (Weeping before you)
S’makade s’yaphela, xolela (Everlasting one, we are perishing, forgive us)
Ungas’lahli, ngelixesha – eli njena (Do not forsake us in trying times such as this)

El Shaddai Adonai, thethelela ndiyakucela
(My Lord, God Almighty, I pray that You save us)
Xolela (Forgive us)
Nom’ indlela inameva (Though the path ahead is full of thorns)
Ndithembhe Wena (I have placed my trust in you)
Nom’ iz’vunguvungu zomoya zingafika, mna ndithembhe Wena
(Though the storms may come, I have put my trust in You)
Ndithembhe wena (I’ve put my trust in You)

Bawo yibanathi, nge lixesha elinje (Father be with us, in times such as these)
Usixolele izono zethu (Forgive us our sins) (Repeat)

Xa ukhona Thixo, ne cebo likhona
(God, when You are present, there is a plan)
Xa ukhona Thixo, nedlela ikhona
(God, when You are present, there is a way)
Noma ke Thixo, ungau cishanga lo umlilo
(Even if the Lord does not put out this fire)
Kodwa yibanathi Kuwo (But be with us in it (the fire))
Yibanathi (Be with us)


Siyakudinga, oh Yehova (Oh Lord, we need You)
Ngaphandle kwakho, singenze lutho (Without You, we cannot do anything)
Siyakudinga, oh Yehova (We need you, Oh Lord)
Xa ukhona, konke kulungile, kulungile!
(When you are present, everything is alright, alright!)


Usixolele izono zethu (Forgive us our sins)
Usixolele izono zethu (Forgive us our sins)
Usixolele izono zethu (Forgive us our sins)

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