Why Is Psalm 91 so important?
Psalm 91 is a powerful reminder of the protection and security that God provides to those who trust in Him. The Psalmist paints a beautiful picture of the way in which God covers and protects His people like a mother bird covers her chicks with her wings. He reminds us that no harm will befall us, no disaster will come near our tent, and we will be protected from all kinds of dangers, whether they be physical or spiritual.
But Psalm 91 is not just about protection from external dangers. It’s also about protection from our own fears and anxieties. The Psalmist assures us that those who trust in God shall not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. He reminds us that a thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand, but it will not come near us.
This is a powerful message of hope and encouragement for all of us, especially in times of uncertainty and fear. It reminds us that no matter what we may be facing, we can always put our trust in God and find refuge and security in Him. He is always with us, and He will never leave us or forsake us.
One of the key takeaways from this Psalm is the phrase “dwell in the secret place of the Most High” This phrase implies that we have an ongoing relationship with God, a place where we can always go to find protection and security. This secret place is not a physical location, but rather a spiritual one where we can connect with God and find refuge in Him. It’s a place of intimacy and closeness with God, where we can find peace and rest in Him.
In conclusion, Psalm 91 is a powerful reminder of the protection and security that God provides to those who trust in Him. It reminds us that we can put our trust in God and find refuge and security in Him, no matter what trials and challenges we may face. Let us make it a habit to dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty, allowing Him to be our protector and deliverer, and to give us the peace and security that we need in our daily lives.