Top Christian Songs WorshipMob – Giving In

WorshipMob – Giving In

WorshipMob Giving In

Download Giving In Mp3 byย WorshipMob Ft. Claudia Martinez & Cara Summer

Here’s a song that wasย writtenย and performed by live Jackson, Cara Summer, Rachel Lamb,ย Nikki Mathis, John Wright, Tara Scott, Colten, and all called โ€œWorshipMobโ€œ. This song is titled โ€œGiving Inโ€ as it was released alongside its video from the 2021 release album called โ€œSECRET PLACE SESSIONSโ€œ.

Download Audio Mp3, Stream, Share, and be blessed


Lyrics: Giving In byย WorshipMob

You have led me through the fire
and I’ve made it safe this far
Oh I sing ‘You’re my desire’
but You know the hidden parts
You meet me in the hiding
You’re the one who knows the idols of my heart
You pursue me in the moment
Even when my choices are tearing me apart

So why is there a war to give You all of me
When you love me like you do
and I know you like I do

So this one’s for you
I’m giving it in, I’m giving it all to you
Even if it’s just this moment
I’m coming in now, I’m coming in

You stuck with me in the low tides
Even when I turned from your face
When I came back desperate, abandoned, nake, and afraid
I looked into your eyes
You told me You had never turned away
You saw me at my lowest
You’re the only one who always chose to stay

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