Top Christian Songs WorshipMob – LionHearted

WorshipMob – LionHearted

WorshipMob LionHearted

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Here’s a song that wasย writtenย and performed by live Jackson, Cara Summer, Rachel Lamb, Nikki Mathis, John Wright, Tara Scott, Colten, all called โ€œWorshipMobโ€œ. This song is titled โ€œLionHeartedโ€ as it was released alongside its video. You’ll be blessed. An original by Emma Graham & Christin Pelletier.

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Lyrics: LionHearted by

Verse 1:
What are you saying?
What are you doing here?
I’ve been clouded in my mind
Come and speak your words of life

You’re not in the chaos
Or the storms all around me
‘Cuz your closer than my breath
And I hear you riding on the wind
To sing this song

Don’t give up now
Just keep going
Heaven’s cheering you forward

Keep the faith

Verse 2
What are you saying?
What are you doing?
Oh, you’re holding out your hand
I love the way you lead me
It’s not in the lessons
You’re trying to teach me
Cause even when I can’t see
It’s your love that does the leading


I’ve never stopped believing
I’ve never stopped speaking
I’ve never stopped moving
At the sound of your cries

I’ve never stopped singing
I’ve never stopped believing
I’ve never stopped dancing
Over you, my child

There’s always hope in my daddy’s eyes

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