Download Yeshua Mp3 by WorshipMob
Here’s a song that was written and performed by live Jackson, Cara Summer, Rachel Lamb, Nikki Mathis, John Wright, Tara Scott, Colten, and all called “WorshipMob“. This song is titled “Yeshua” as it was released alongside its video. You’ll be blessed.
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Lyrics: Yeshua by WorshipMob
My beloved is the most beautiful
Among thousands and thousands
O Meu amado é o mais belo entre milhares e milhares
My beloved is, He’s more beautiful
Than millions and millions
Yeshu hu oo oo ah, ha aa aa aa, ah aa aa aa
Yeshu hu oo oo ah, ha aa aa aa, ah aa aa aa
Mi Amado es
Aún más lindo que
Millones y millones
For yours is the kingdom
Yours is the power
Yours in the glory forever Amen
There is only one of you, Jesus
There is only one of you, Lord
There is only one Messiah
Yeshua Hamashiach
Beauty, beauty, beautiful
Glory, glory, glorious
You are
You are
Hashiva li s’sone yishecha, Adonai
החזיר לי את שמחת הישועה שלך, אלוהים
“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, God”
Yeshua, you are the most beautiful
and I love you, yes I love you
There is none like you across the Earth
You are the only one
You are the only one
You’re the only one
The only Messiah
The only Savior of the World
The only Savior of my heart
Yeshua, You are holy
Your name is holy
You are worthy of all praise
You are worthy of it all
Worthy of everything
Lindo, lindo, lindo es
Gloria, Gloria eu Te do
Take me into your throne room
Let me see your beauty
Let me see your face
Lindo, lindo, lindo es
Gloria, Gloria, Gloria a tí
Me leva
A sala do trono
Mostra a Tua beleza
Quero ver Tua face, Deus
Yeshua Mashiach Messiah
Please don’t take me wrong as a fellow believer l adore your input spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior through your singing and keep it up please the only thing l humbly ask of you guys let’s remove coverings on their heads when worship and praise and pray and prophecy to truly Honor Yeshua in adoration as apostle Paul teaches us even as Yeshua honor His word above His name please convey this practice to those attending your church and others in the industry l love you guys all the best in the future Amen 🙏💖🙏
A blessing to me,