Top Christian Songs Zach Williams – Face To Face (Mp3, Lyrics, Video)

Zach Williams – Face To Face (Mp3, Lyrics, Video)

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The American contemporary rock artist who does Christian songs ‘Zach Williams‘ releases a song alongside its acoustic version, this song is titled “Face To Face”, and it’s available for download and streaming.


Video: Face To Face by

Lyrics: Face To Face by

Oh, I’m a traveler far from home
I get lost but I press on
There’s a mansion in streets of gold
Where I belong

Yes, there’s a day coming soon
Where the old will be made new
And Heaven’s glory shines like the morning
Before our eyes

When we all see Jesus
When we all see Jesus
No more sickness, no more madness, no more pain
When we all see Jesus face to face

Then we will sing with angel voices
There will be a great rejoicing
Holy holy, worthy worthy
Is the Lamb, oh

When we all see Jesus
Yes, when we all see Jesus
No more sickness, no more madness, no more pain
When we all see Jesus face to face
Yeah, when we all see Jesus face to face

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