Download Ndincede Mp3 by Zahara
The talented South African singer and songwriter who started singing in her school’s choir when she was six years old “ZAHARA” comes through with a song which she titles “Ndincede“.
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Lyrics: Ndincede by Zahara
Andigezile ndiyimpumputhe (Ngoku sendibonile)
Ndingumabopha maxoyam (Ngoku sendibonile)
Ndikhuphe kwelihlazo endikulo ayayay
Sindisa umphefumlo wami
Cul’ endikulo
Ndincede kulendawo endikuyo
Ndincede andiziva mna
Ndincede kulendawo endikuyo
Ndincede oh andiziva mna
Bawo ndince kulendawo endikuyo
Bandihlukumezile kodwa wena ukhona
Babethekile ngam bebenzile ngam
Ndisuse kulendawo endikuyo
Bawo Ndikhaphe ndingaxamazeki
Izilingo zininzi wo oh
Sindisa umphefumlo wami
Cul’ endikulo
Andiziva mna
Heroes has spoken
Abantu bathethile ngam
Asoze ndavuma ukubekelwa phansi hoyo
Heroes has spoken
Amaqhawe athethile ngam
Vul’ indlela yam ndincede
Heroes has spoken
Amaqhawe athethile ngam
Vul’ indlela yam ndincede
Ndincede kawundincede kulendawo endikuyo
Ndincede mhh